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Why yes, you do look familiar... |
Baby bottoms aside, we knew simply due to the limits on our time that we had a challenge ahead of us trying to build a functional rogue deck for the upcoming Portland Game Day. Elliot, like many other smart guys around, had it in his head that building something around Mimic Vat would be extremely cool. I was excited because one of my alter egos is a journeywoman marketing exec and she wanted to name this deck Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The idea was to steal your opponent's creatures, add insult to injury by sacking the creature and throwing it in the Vat, and then pump out hasty copies of their own dude, ultimately killing them in a most clever and delicious way.
Version 1
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Object of obsession. |
1 conquering manticore
3 liliana's specter
1 tuk tuk the explorer
3 viscera seer
3 go for the throat
2 pyroclasm
3 lightning bolt
3 inquisition of kozilek
2 duress
4 perilous myr
4 culling dais
3 mark of mutiny
10 swamp
3 mountain
4 blackcleave cliffs
3 dragonskull summit
3 lavaclaw reaches
And the result was...clunkalicious (the next article will feature a first-build that is not a clunker, I promise). There was actually some nice synergy going on between certain components, and putting someone in a Vat-Specter lock late in the game is wickedly fun, but the number of things going on (discard, sacrifice, steal, copy, burn) was overwhelming and the synergies were present between sub-groups of cards in the deck (instead of there being a cohesive, singular synergy flowing throw all the elements), meaning that success was very conditional.
Here, we started down the road of making the deck better, only to fall into the all-too-common trap of making it worse.
-1 go for the throat
-4 perilous myr
-4 culling dais
-3 mark of mutiny
-1 viscera seer
+1 bloodhusk ritualist
+2 skinrender
+2 liliana vess
+1 red sun's zenith
+2 arc trail
+1 lightning bolt
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You're fun. |
+1 liliana's specter
+2 doom blade
Version 2
3 mimic vat
1 conquering manticore
4 liliana's specter
1 tuk tuk the explorer
2 viscera seer
2 go for the throat
2 doom blade
2 pyroclasm
1 bloodhusk ritualist
2 skinrender
2 liliana vess
1 red sun's zenith
2 arc trail
1 vampire hexmage
4 lightning bolt
3 inquisition of kozilek
2 duress
10 swamp
3 mountain
4 blackcleave cliffs
3 dragonskull summit
3 lavaclaw reaches
Go go Lilie and the Chocolate Factory! No, do not go. And don't collect your $$$. The Skinrender worked fairly well and proved useful in doing away with annoying hawks in several test games, and we still liked the Specter, but the rest of it was bleh. No matter how bad I want to use Liliana, she's always, always too slow for Standard (this is why I cannot wait for Innistrad—please Mr. Bolas, let it be Lili's time to dominate). There just wasn't enough power coming through reliably for the deck to be viable.
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Sorry dude, Chapin says you're unreliable. |
It was time for the Ten Years Younger version of deck overhaul. We cut the Vat and took a new approach. Power was an issue, and we wanted something drastically different than what was out in the current metagame to bring to Game Day. So we came up with this (before Mike Flores wrote his article, believe it or not):
4 Bloodchief Ascension
4 Pyromancer Ascension
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Burst Lightning
4 Duress
3 Arc Trail
3 Sign in Blood
2 Black Sun's Zenith
2 Diabolic Tutor
4 Arid Mesa
4 Marsh Flats
4 Mountain
4 Swamp
4 Lavaclaw Reaches
3 Dragonskull Summit
3 Blackcleave Cliffs
4 Goblin Ruinblaster
4 Stoneforge Mystic
1 Sword of Feast and Famine
1 Sword of Body and Mind
1 Plains
2 Ratchet Bomb
1 Memoricide
1 DemolishAnd then we went to battle. Would you believe after all that—losing those precious hours of sleep, cramming in testing before work and after, coercing the baby to nap and then frantically making changes and starting violent whispering arguments over card choice, wearing ourselves thin and beating domestic bliss over the head with Swords—we didn't fight one Caw deck and the entire field was poison? That we had multiple Phyrexian Crusader matchups?! Believe it. Ugh. Elliot's report follows.
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Words of wisdom from the amazing, and too kind, Bennie Smith. |
Relatively low turnout of 17 at Guardian Games. Rian (my Standard compadre) made semifinals with W/u Tempered Steel poison before dropping to go watch a Blazers game. Half of the Top 8 was poison - all different builds. Rian's W/u, both of my poison opponents (mono-black and U/B control), and a G/B Livewire Lash + pump build. Guardian was packed though - 30+ Pokemon kids, 16-player WoW TCG tourney also going on.
Round 1 vs. Mono-Black Poison
Game 1
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Hate you. |
Game 2
I'm on tilt, thinking about how I don't have good answers for Crusader. I bring in two Memoricides and three Ratchet Bombs with Crusader in mind. I keep a sketchy one-lander on the play - 2 Lightning Bolt, 2 Pyromancer Ascension, 2 Surreal Memoir, Dragonskull Summit - but figure that I have removal, and should be able to turn on an Ascension easy enough. On turn 2 I don't get the land, but get an Inquisition, which I play, and breathe a sigh of relief as I nab a Phyrexian Crusader from his hand. My Lightning Bolts get used up fast on Septic Rats and Hand of the Praetors, and he still beats down for one a turn with an Inkmoth Nexus. I never draw a fourth land to recycle my Bolts with Surreal Memoir, and draw into the two sideboarded Memoricides and a third Memoir, so I'm cold when I can't answer his second Hand of the Praetors. After he wins, he gives me a friendly "still had all deez" and shows me a Skithiryx and a third Hand of the Praetors. I realize that I should have brought in the Pyroclasms to get value on his other random dudes, but was focused on my fear of the Crusader and the Blight Dragon.
Lose match (0-1)
Round 2 vs. Pyromancer Ascension (without Archive Trap)
Game 1
He's playing U/R Pyromancer Ascension. Raises my eyebrows when he plays a turn 0 Leyline of Anticipation. He doesn't do much, and I end up triggering a Bloodchief Ascension to put him between a rock and a hard place and close it out. At some point, he mills me for 5 with Tome Scour (I don't mind - spells in the 'yard help me trigger Pyromancer Ascension), and see him discard a Traumatize. I ask him if he's playing Archive Trap, and he says no.
Game 2
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MoxyMTG poll Best Hair winner |
We chat after the match, and it turns out he tried to get greedy and cut his 4-ofs down to 3-ofs...a big no-no for Pyromancer Ascension decks. I tell him about the Flores Pyromancer/Trap combo, that I have a playset of Archive Traps that are for trade, as I won't be playing U/R for want of Scalding Tarns. I trade the Archive Traps to him for two Glissa, the Traitor.
Win match (1-1)
Round 3 vs. U/B Poison Control
Game 1
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Now I really hate you. |
Game 2
I keep a hand with 3 Staggershock and an Inquisition. I cast the IoK turn one and see three Phyrexian Crusaders.
Lose match (1-2)
Round 4 vs. Boros
Game 1
Finally, a game against a "real" deck! He wins the die roll, and has turn 1 Goblin Guide which draws me a Mountain. I play Mountain and pass. He attacks with the Guide, I reveal another Mountain (*fist pump*), and hit it with a Burst Lightning. He never touches me again... I burn away his creatures very conservatively, not letting him keep too many on the board. His Bonehoard is a bit scary as I fill up his graveyard, but he can never get it equipped, and I cast Surreal Memoir twice for insane value and get there thanks to a bunch of splash damage from rebounding Staggershocks and Lavaclaw Reaches pumped all the way up to 7/2.
Game 2
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this combo worked??? |
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Seriously... |
He brings in Kor Firewalker, but sideboards incorrectly and leaves Sword of Feast and Famine in the board thinking I'm mono-red (I only cast red spells in game one, but he apparently ignored my lands, including the Reaches that helped kill him). Of course, he didn't get the memo that Sword of Feast and Famine should be maindeck anyway. He threatens with another Bonehoard again, but he needed the pro: black Sword badly, as I cast Hideous End about five times over the course of the game thanks to Surreal Memoir. Hideous End trumps the both the Bonehoard and two Kor Firewalkers, and I again bring it home with splash damage and without seeing a single one of my 8 Ascensions.
Win match (2-2)
No one dropped, and a couple intentional draws put the top 8 participants up to 7 points and kept me from sneaking in to get a foily, full-art Black Sun's Zenith. Both players I lost to made top 8.
The one time I did get a Pyromancer Ascension online, it was against U/R Pyromancer Ascension, and he Into the Roiled it before I got to copy anything. Apparently though, this deck can win through incidental damage alone, as I did twice against Boros. Bloodchief Ascension was clearly good, and easy to trigger. Surreal Memoir was amazing when I could cast it, but definitely slowed down hands where I drew more than one, which was a big liability - it should probably be a 3-of and not a 4-of. Staggershock was an all-star. Arc Trail was underwhelming, and I wished it were an instant... it should possibly be Go for the Throat instead for more reliable removal. Pyroclasm in the board was definitely needed, as the card advantage it provides is very important for a deck with no permanents... there's probably room for more sweep, and for a mix. Black Sun's Zenith would have been good vs. Kor Firewalker and Phyrexian Crusader.
I still can't tell how viable this deck is... I lost three games to Phyrexian Crusader (did NOT see that coming!) and one to a bad mulligan decision (don't keep one-landers!).
Perhaps the real lesson here is... watch out for Phyrexian Crusader.
Perhaps the real lesson here is... watch out for Phyrexian Crusader.
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Unrelated: Best Hair poll co-winner |
So the first story: Round 1, there was a Caw-Blade vs. Big Red matchup going on at the table next to Elliot. The Caw player activated Gideon, attacked for 6, then cast Day of Judgment. Oops. Can we call this Pulling a Medina? (Jon handled himself so well after that abominable play. I was at work and burst out laughing when I read his Twit: "Maybe I'll Destructive Force myself on the way to the trade tables." Classic, and humble. Thanks, Jon, for being such a good sport!)
Also Round 1, another table had Caw-Blade vs. G/B poison locked in battle in a Game 3. Caw pilot has in play Jace TMS, Gideon, Stoneforge Mystic, and Squadron Hawk with an active Sword of Feast and Famine. The G/B player (out of gas) draws Livewire Lash, equips it to a Phyrexian Crusader, and passes the turn. Caw player +2s Gideon, brainstorms with Jace, swings, and passes. G/B player draws Groundswell, targets his Phyrexian Crusader, and ...(Caw player was at 8 poison)..."Kill you." The Caw player, not understanding, says, "You have to attack Gideon!" and ends up calling a judge to explain to him why he's dead. Elliot said this was a case of "RTFC" (read the f-ing card) and that the Caw pilot should have bounced the Crusader with Jace...apparently he didn't read Chapin's Paris article—watch out for that Livewire Lash!
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Caution: your opponent has crabs. |
Magic should enrich your life, and so far it's been doing that for us. Plus, I've made the acquaintance of some good people. It feels great to write again. Coming up in future posts: Silly-awesome EDH decks, 2010 Game Day 5-color rogue reflections, and the Poisonblade first build.
Till next time,
May Magic be your sword.
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You smell like flowers. |
I ran into the same problems running black/red Ascension, I was staring at 2 Phyrexian Crusaders holding 2 Lightning Bolts in hand, sobbing internally, but I recovered thanks to an extremely well timed (read: extremely lucky topdeck) Black Sun's Zenith I had in the deck for emergency purposes, however, playing Blue/Red Pyromancer Ascension I ran into 2 decks packing Thrun the Last Troll. Troll indeed, one card completely ravages that deck.